How We Do Disinfection Better
Only with electrostatic technology can all surfaces be disinfected with 360-degree coverage. With this technology, our hospital-grade disinfectant bonds to areas that are unreachable by traditional pump sprayers and eliminates the need to wipe away remaining liquid after appropriate dwell time has occurred. By allowing the product to dwell and then air dry without touching, we are achieving proper and effective disinfection. When spraying PUREmist, we disinfect every room including all high-touch areas such as light switches, doorknobs, computer keyboards, pens and scissors, and phones.
Take your disinfection one step further with long-lasting surface protection. After cleaning and disinfection is complete, we can also apply a biostatic protective layer to all high-touch surfaces, which is designed to inhibit growth and serve as an active antimicrobial barrier that lasts up to 90 days.
This water-based protective layer is safe for people and all surfaces, and without this barrier, your surfaces are vulnerable to pathogens and re-contamination with every touch, sneeze, or cough that occurs in the space. With ongoing cleaning and disinfection, this antimicrobial barrier will be kept in top shape and only needs to be reapplied roughly every 2-3 months.
We are happy to provide you complimentary estimates for any of our service options: our PUREcleaning Triple Protection service (includes cleaning, disinfecting, and protecting), just our PUREmist disinfection service, or just our PUREmist disinfection service plus our antimicrobial barrier treatment.